

  • Forma wiązki oporności na zginanie cementu do testu laboratoryjnego Zrozumienie znaczenia formy wiązki oporności na zginanie cementu Jeśli chodzi o testowanie wytrzymałości i trwałości cementu, forma wiązki oporności na zginanie odgrywa kluczową rolę. This specialized mold is designed to create test specimens that are used to measure the flexural strength of cement. Understanding the importance of this tool is essential for anyone involved in the construction and engineering ind...
  • Product Description Constant Temperature Humidity Curing Box Cabinet Test Chamber According to user requirements, in order to facilitate the maintenance of cement and concrete specimens to reach national standards, our company has specially manufactured a new 80B constant temperature and humidity curing box to meet customers with relatively large specimens. Wykonane ze stali nierdzewnej. Technical Parameters: 1. Liner size: 1450 x 580 x 1350 (mm) 2. Capacity: 150 pieces of concrete 150 x 150 te...
  • BetonŻelazo

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